Positive Change Hypnotherapy Gran Canaria
Anxiety and Panic Attacks are processes that we have learned. As with all learning it is impossible to unlearn without help. Once you have learned these processes it is very difficult to unlearn them on your own.
This is where Kevin O’Brien, owner of POSITIVE CHANGE HYPNOTHERAPY comes in. He is able to access these sub-conscious processes and help you to unlearn them.
A lot of anxiety is accompanied by panic disorder. This is marked by recurrent, spontaneous Panic Attacks. A panic attack is an intense period of fear or discomfort.
During the attack, a person may experience the following symptoms:
- Racing heartbeat
- Difficulty breathing, feeling as though you ‘can’t get enough air’
- Terror that is almost paralysing
- Dizziness, light-headedness or nausea
- Choking, chest pains
- Trembling, sweating, shaking
- Hot flushes, or sudden chills
- Pins and needles
- A fear that you’re about to die

Anxiety can be controlled. Just call POSITIVE CHANGE HYPNOTHERAPY GRAN CANARIA (+34) 666 31 22 30. for more information.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety and panic attacks is an extremely powerful tool. Kevin O’Brien uses hypnotherapy to change the thought processes that lead to anxiety and panic.
During the hypnotherapy process the client reduces the anxiety levels previously experienced in a given situation. This is done by us working together to change the underlying belief systems that support the anxiety.
Kevin accesses these beliefs by using Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is the process he uses to collapse the anxiety. Once the underlying beliefs have been collapsed, the anxiety symptoms will be changed permanently.
People experience many benefits from one-to-one Hypnotherapy sessions with Positive Change Hypnotherapy.
Advice and Tips for Anxiety & Panic Attacks
Here are some tips to help you to minimize some of the symptoms you experience during high anxiety and Panic Attacks.
They are not a cure, they are first aid tips to help your body cope more successfully with your inappropriate anxiety.
The body requires fuel to function and this be supplied to us in two forms, food and air. As we all know, air quality is vital to the health of the human body, polluted, smoky or stale air can lead to a variety of health problems.
- Lengthen exhalation to relax
- Lengthen inhalation to stimulate yourself
So when you wish to relax, inhale fully, staying relaxed and without pausing exhale slowly. Repeat this as many times, as required.
Prepare for stressful events in advance if possible by practicing this simple breathing exercise as long as possible before the event. It really does help!
Most people neglect correct posture and on the whole never experience any negative effects until quite late in life, back ache and neck pain being the most common of these. If a person with anxiety also suffers with incorrect posture, this can have a profound effect on the level of anxiety symptoms.
If you correct the breathing patterns the anxiety levels will fall. Posture has a profound effect on breathing, if muscles and bones are compressed a certain amount of restriction has to be expected.
In our modern life we are less likely to stand, walk and run for long periods. Over the last one hundred years human habits have evolved quicker than at any other time in history; we have more stressors, life is faster, more expensive and definitely more competitive.
Lack of exercise, bad posture and poor air quality can be very damaging. The sitting position compresses the torso and the organs below the diaphragm are pushed upwards towards the chest cavity restricting the lungs and heart. If you are overweight, this compounds the problem. Shorter shallower breaths are taken and blood oxygen and blood carbon dioxide levels are compromised.
Incorrect posture
Compressed chest cavity causes short difficult breaths and compacts internal organs.
Correct posture
Chest expanded, back straight, lungs and internal organs relaxed.
To improve bad posture, it is important to find a seat that keeps the back straight, try not to lean onto the desk. In this position the chest cavity is at its optimum size whilst sitting. Physical activity helps maintain good circulation and allows the skeleton, muscles and other bodily tissue to stretch, opening up the joints and allowing the body to breathe.
Diversion Tactics
Here are a few examples of diversion tactics to use whilst having an attack. Practice them, they really work!
- Splash face with cold water – this produces the dive reflex and causes your brain to send messages to your body to slow down
- Distraction – Count down from 100 as fast as you can, repeat over and over. Do maths problems or anything else that occupies your mind
- Listen to your favorite music loudly and sing along to it
- Say to yourself – this has never hurt me, it has never hurt anyone else and it never will
- Tell yourself that what you are feeling are sensations; nothing more and that sensations never hurt anyone
- Watch a funny video on TV, laugh out loud
- Don’t look at yourself in the mirror
- Keep some apples in the fridge. Eat one, then another if you wish
- Gently slap your cheeks and dance around – confuse your thoughts to distract them
- In the night, get out of bed, turn on the TV, get a drink, eat an apple and keep moving
- Talk to someone or phone someone – don’t discuss your anxiety
- Do something physical if you can
- Do not sit down! Keep moving
Do any amount of these diversion tactics simultaneously if possible.